BOSS Magazine – CONVERGIX Showcase Feature Article

BOSS Magazine – CONVERGIX Showcase Feature Article

CONVERGIX Automation Solutions is proud to have been showcased in a feature article in BOSS Magazine. It covers the history of the company and its business units, and a full scope of what we have to offer interested customers.

Here is a snippet of the profile:

“Launched in 2021 to meet the needs of the $500 billion-plus global automation solutions market, a powerful new player is poised to change the way companies automate processes and systems. In two years, CONVERGIX has established 25 locations in North America, Europe, and Asia, and has assembled a team of roughly 900 experts in automation and integration. They serve a variety of end markets, including food and beverage, life sciences, consumer products, emerging renewable energy solutions, automotive, defense, logistics, and traditional energy companies, to name a few.

Take an in-depth look into our story and vision to be the world’s best-in-class diversified global industrial automation integration leader. Click here for the full feature article in November issue of Boss Magazine.